Specialty and roadside vegetation management is probably not a favorite line-item expense in your annual budget. If there’s one thing you can count on, it’s that vegetation isn’t going to remain in its proper place and avoid your roadways, byways, and infrastructure assets. As much planning as you may do to avoid outages, property damage, and other issues, vegetation problems seem to creep into places you never anticipated.
Quickly growing, invasive plant species and weakened or dead trees wreak havoc for business and governmental organizations across the U.S. With workforce challenges and supply-chain delays, even simple vegetation tasks like mowing and weed control often extends beyond most organizations’ ability to handle the workload.
The team at Lewis can ensure access to your most important infrastructure by reducing vegetation infringement through a comprehensive process of removal, maintenance, inspections, and installation. Our specialty and roadside vegetation management crews provide the size and strength you need while remaining agile to address the challenges that unexpected vegetation creep creates. Our 4,000+ employees bring the right balance of quality, efficiency, and safety that ensures your critical infrastructure and roadways can continue to serve the public and your customers as planned.